Welcome to Las Vegas Kendo Dojo.

Las Vegas Kendo Dojo opened its doors in 2012 by Song Sensei, 7th dan. Nestled in the heart of Las Vegas, our dojo is recognized by FIK(International Kendo Federation), AUSKF(All United States Kendo Federation) and WKF(Western Kendo Federation).

We pride ourselves on blending the rich traditions of Kendo with a modern approach to training. Our experienced and dedicated instructors are not just mentors but passionate practitioners committed to guiding you on your path to mastery. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced practitioner, our classes are tailored to accommodate all skill levels.

Recognized by

  • WKF (Western Kendo Federation)
  • AUSKF (All United States Kendo Federation)
  • FIK (International Kendo Federation)